Hornady Varmint Express Shotgun Ammo 12 ga. 2.75 in. 24 Pellets 4 Buckshot 10 rd.

Item No. 1702185
Featuring the Hornady Versatite wad, these loads don't require shotgun modification, or specialized chokes. The Versatite wad does the patterning, and usually patterns best with an Improved Cylinder or Modified choke. The Versatite wad strips CLEANLY from the pellets in flight without disrupting
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Featuring the Hornady Versatite wad, these loads don't require shotgun modification, or specialized chokes. The Versatite wad does the patterning, and usually patterns best with an Improved Cylinder or Modified choke. The Versatite wad strips CLEANLY from the pellets in flight without disrupting them - this keeps the pellets together in flight for a shorter shot string that delivers more collective energy on impact. By stripping cleanly, the wad doesn't disrupt the pellets in flight so we end up with a very uniform, tight pattern without the help of aftermarket chokes. Specially loaded to ensure proper functioning in semi-auto and pump shotguns.
Brand Name Hornady
Bullet Features
  • these loads don't require shotgun modification, or specialized chokes
  • Versatite wad strips CLEANLY from the pellets in flight without disrupting them - this keeps the pellets together in flight for a shorter shot string that delivers more collective energy on impact
  • aftermarket chokes. Specially loaded to ensure proper functioning in semi-auto and pump shotguns
Pack Size 10
Primary Color Red
Item UPC/EAN Number 090255862430
MAP Pricing 0
MSRP Price 17.99
Vendor's Item Number 86243
Caliber 12 ga.
Speed 1350
Length Unit Of Measure Inch
Case Pack 10
Shell Length 2.75
Shot Size 4B
Restricted Sale States None